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Our Home Inspection Blog

Termites in Guilderland

One of the most damaging threats that could exist for your home, especially structurally, are pests and insects. But some insects could be silent, and escape your notice until they cause a lot of damage to the structure of your home. For instance, I inspect in...

Online Reviews of Spec-Pro

This is an online review for Spec-Pro. I was happy to be this wonderful family's home inspector in Guilderland NY. "Home Inspection, Pest Inspection, Radon Test and Structural Member Comments: Ian is THE BEST choice for your professional home inspection. He is amazing...

Waterford Home Inspection

Waterford NY Home Inspection - I was inspecting a home in Waterford NY for a very nice young family and found some issues. I wrote a very thorough home inspection report because I wanted to make sure I took care of them. Here is just one of the many thank you's they...

Altamont Home Inspections, NY

Altamont Home Inspections - I perform a lot of home inspections in Altamont NY. I really enjoy working there. My Grandfather was a fireman in Altamont years ago before his death, and even now I still run into people who knew him and who have a story to tell about him....